Dieter Vandoren (°1981, Belgium) is an artist, performer and creative tech developer. His work draws from diverse backgrounds in music, IT and experimental architecture and revolves around the creation and play of spatial audiovisual instruments and environments with a focus on embodiment, immersion and primary sensory experiences.
Dieter has a masters degree from the ArtScience Interfaculty (Royal Academy of Art & Royal Conservatoire The Hague) and a bachelor in Digital Communication (University of Applied Sciences Utrecht). His works have been featured at Ars Electronica (AT), Club Transmediale, Akademie der Künste Berlin (DE), NIME/Goldsmiths (UK), Artefact/STUK (BE), Medialab Prado (ES), Electrochoc (FR), Sound Around Kaliningrad (RU), Sin Pin Pier Gallery (TWN), Gaudeamus Muziekweek, November Music, Rewire, TodaysArt, STEIM, STRP, Glow, FIBER (NL) and more.
He is co-founder of and technical coordinator at collective artist platform iii in The Hague. He is the technical producer of the Klankvorm and Conflux media arts events in Rotterdam. In academics he is a guest lecturer at ID-StudioLab (industrial design engineering dept.) and was a researcher at Hyperbody (architecture and built environment dept.) of the Delft University of Technology.
Currently resides in Rotterdam, NL.
contact // dtr [dot] vndrn [at] gmail [dot] com